Social and Community Support

Participate in your community

If you want to stay connected with or start to become more active in your community, we can support you. Our social and community participation supports are flexible and completely tailored to you and your goals, and can help you build your self-esteem, enhance your social life and improve your general wellbeing.

Enjoying your community

If you want to get out and about more, do more of what you enjoy or try something new, we can support you.

What would you like to do?

  • Build or maintain your current friendships or relationships
  • Become more active in a group
  • Learn a new skill
  • Grow your knowledge and confidence getting around or using public transport
  • Go on holiday
  • Join a new group or pursue a new interest
  • Something else? We’ll work with you to achieve your goals in the community

A break for you, and your carer (flexible respite)

Getting out and about with someone different can be a nice change. If you want to get out of the house, access the community or find an activity, community participation is a great option for you. For carers, it provides a break from everyday life, allowing you to catch up on your other responsibilities and recharge. You might know this as flexible respite.

In some areas in Queensland, we offer these supports via Blue Care, one of Queensland’s largest and most trusted support providers.